Meihincho is a platform aimed at both domestic and international customers, showcasing the high level of craftsmanship found throughout Japan. It provides information on artisan-made craftworks suitable for daily use, along with options to purchase these items through its website and social media account.
Our thoughts
Craftworks offer satisfaction through the use of quality materials, enhancing the richness of life. In today's efficiency-driven world, they reaffirm the essential joy of living. We aim to communicate the enriching allure of craftworks that contribute to a fulfilling daily life.
Through interviews nationwide, we've observed craftsmen persistently honing their skills, adapting to changing times and needs, and embracing Japan's unique aesthetic that blends wabi-sabi and elegance. We recognize the 'new Japanese identity' in craftworks continually evolving, as they engage in the challenges and advancements described. With the goal of promoting and developing this identity globally, and preserving Japan's unique techniques, history, and aesthetics, we aspire to create a yet-to-be-seen global craft brand. Our wish is that one day, people worldwide will embrace a lifestyle where they hold in their hands a Japanese-born 'masterpiece-for-me,' and we hope for that day to come.